Friday, November 22, 2019

6 Reasons to Change Jobs in Your Late 20s

6 Reasons to Change Jobs in Your Late 20s 6 Reasons to Change Jobs in Your Late 20s When youre in your late 20s, you finally have perspective on your life. You know where you want to go more clearly. At this age, you know if the job or the career you picked right out of college is satisfying.If your career is unfulfilling, however, your late 20s are actually an ideal time to change jobs. In fact, 20-somethings (or even 30-somethings) early in their career, benefit from assessing their desired career path and often change jobs if they find their ambitions dont match their present reality. This age is the perfect time to find the right fit not just to stick to what you know.1. Your first job out of college doesnt always stickMost people dont stay in the same job their whole lives. In fact, younger Baby Boomers held 11.7 jobs from the ages of 18 to 48, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Take it from your parents, and recognize that interests can and do change. Perhaps you m ade a career choice at 18 that doesnt suit you anymore. Or maybe youre feeling like you arent challenged in your first job after college. Thats okay. Many people can and do change jobs at this stage of the game.2. You have plenty of time to do your researchIf youre unhappy in your career but youre not sure whether or not you want to change jobs, you dont have to quit your job today. Research careers that let you focus on your passions. As long as youre still committed to your current job (showing up on time and staying motivated), you can and should research other positions. Develop a search strategy in which you consider the factors you want in a position (location, flexibility, responsibility), research companies that interest you, and read trade journals and professional resource sides about your potential new field.3. You can take baby stepsIf your dream career is a completely different pathway than the one youre on now, your late 20s are the perfect timeto set mini-goals towa rds your larger ambition. You can get back in contact with helpful professionals whose careeryoure considering, set up informational interviews, and, if possible, even volunteer in a related field. If suddenlyswitching gears makes you feel like youvecompletely lost control, then setting- and meeting- your micro-goals will go a long way in keeping you motivated and feeling accomplished.4. You recognize the job market has changed considerablyThe job market has changed considerably since you finished college and began looking for work in 2009, 2010, or 2011. There are more opportunities for freelancing, working from home, or being employed at companies like Google with freer corporate cultures. If any of these changes appeal to you, consider if you might have to relocate, go back to school, or change fields entirely to create the kind of work-life balance youve always wanted.5. Youll only gain more responsibilityYour late 20s are a great time for a job change because you dont have the financial responsibilities you might have later in life. In a few years, you might have a mortgage, a partner, and even kids, but many people in their late 20s havent made those commitments yet. Plus, youll likely have some savings from your first career, so you can spend more time searching for your dream career andyour dream city without having to leap too fast. Now that you know what you dont want, its better to start your job search sooner, rather than one day live with regrets.6. Your current experience could fit with your dream jobDont let your quarter life crisis get you down. If youre not satisfied in your current career, get motivated to change jobs and do what youre most passionate about. Jobscan has all of the tools youll need to take the next step in your new job search. Take a look at our resume templates andresume writing guide to make sure youre hitting all of the most up-to-date features employers expect.Your job skills and accomplishments could be very persuasive to a new employer. Once youve created a resume with your accomplishments, run the job posting and your resume through Jobscan. Jobscan compares the keywords on your resume to those on the job posting. If you find that your job accomplishments dont match those desired by the job posting, you can replace words on your resume with similar ones suggested by Jobscan.

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